New Certified Home Compostable T-Saks

Made with ecovio® F23B1


High Performance

FDA Approved

Down Gauging Potential


Certifed TUV

Certified BPI



BIOLO, utilizing Ecovio F23B1, holds the TUV OK Home and TUV OK Industrial certifications, along with the BPI certification, confirming that the bags meet stringent compostability standards

Versatile Applications

Ecovio F23B1's blend of strength and biodegradability makes it a versatile choice for various applications, including T-shirt bags, organic waste bags, and other thinner film products

Outstanding Mechanical Strength

Ecovio F23B1 is renowned for its exceptional mechanical strength, ensuring the durability and reliability of film-based products


Reach out to learn more about the custom options we offer for color, size, gauge, and print

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